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Affordable Lifestyle. You and your employees can afford to live close to work in Merced. The City has planned out to 2030 to ensure quality living spaces and compatibility with industrial areas.
Price range: $150,000 (starter) to $990,000 (executive)
Median price: 63% less than state average

Housing Costs
Source: Zillow.com, homes sold July 2023 to July 2024 (lowest and highest) (Aug 2024).
STARTER: 1 or 2 bedrm; 1,250 max sf; 0–50 yrs old
MID_LEVEL: 3 bedrm; 1,250–2,000 sf; 0-10 yrs old
EXECUTIVE: 4+ bedrm; 2,000+ sf; 0–10 yrs old
Affordability - Traditional Homes
The affordability index shows the percentage of households that can afford to purchase a median-price, single family home (a higher percentage means housing is more affordable).
Source: California Association of Realtors, 2nd Quarter 2024 (Aug 2024).
Affordability - First-time Buyers
The affordability index shows the percentage of households that can afford to purchase a median-price, single family home (a higher percentage means housing is more affordable).
Source: California Association of Realtors, 2nd Quarter 2024 (Aug 2024).
Rental Costs
Source: Zillow Observed Rent Index (ZORI) Smoothed, July 31, 2024 (Aug 2024).