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Capacity for expansion. The City will coordinate with utilities to assist your business location or expansion project.
2 electricity providers with excellent service reliability
Fiber optic network in strategic locations
Municipal water and wastewater staying ahead of demand

Electricity and Natural Gas
Merced offers your business a choice of a major regional provider or a locally-owned public utility.
PG&E provides a wide variety of pricing options, competitive industrial rates, financial incentives, economic and financial analysis, and assistance with facility siting.
Merced Irrigation District provides low-cost electric power to Merced; particularly industrial and commercial users.
Pacific Gas and Electric
(209) 726-6141
Services: Electricity, Natural Gas
Merced Irrigation District
​(209) 722-3041
Service: Electricity
Telecommunications Network
Merced is equipped with a highly sophisticated telecommunications network. A fiber optic network in Merced’s downtown business district and other strategic locations serves a large slice of the business community.
Download Speed
342.9 MBPS
Number of
10 internet providers
6 business providers
Fiber Availability: 17%
Source: broadbandnow.com/California/Merced (Feb. 2022).
The long-term water supply outlook for Merced is excellent with adequate sources available for growth. Merced is staying ahead of demand through active planning, as exhibited in the City’s 2030 General Plan. All domestic and industrial water is supplied by the City of Merced.
Water source: Groundwater
Maximum pumping capacity: 57.6 MGD
Average demand: 21.5 MGD
The capacity of Merced’s wastewater (sewage) treatment plant is 12 MGD. The Wastewater Treatment Plant is undergoing an upgrade and will eventually have a capacity of 20 MGD by the time all upgrades are completed. Costs for sewer connections vary, based on the physical installation of pipe and strength of flow.
Merced Public Works, Sewer Division
(209) 385-6800
Alternate Commercial Service

Broadband comparisons & provider data: broadbandnow.com/California/Merced (Oct 2017).
Websites of respective organizations (July-Oct 2017).